BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/////NONSGML iCalcreator 2.10.15// METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20241227T164937UTC-7339LCw0lN@/ DTSTAMP:20241227T164937Z DESCRIPTION:CICS West Belden would like to invite you to their in-person op en house event on Friday\, March 22\, 2024 at 9am!Participating families w ill have the opportunity to meet school leaders and staff\, learn more abo ut CICS West Belden’s innovative programming and strong family partnership s\, and look inside the one-of-a-kind CICS West Belden experience. https:/ / s-west-belden-is-hosting-open-house-event-on-friday-march-22-2024 DTSTART:20240322T140000Z DTEND:20240322T150000Z LOCATION:CICS West Belden (2245 N McVicker Ave. Chicago\, IL 60639) SUMMARY:CICS West Belden is hosting open house event on Friday\, March 22\, 2024! URL:/news-events/news-and-events/open-houses/eve nt/158-cics-west-belden-is-hosting-open-house-event-on-friday-march-22-202 4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR