BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/////NONSGML iCalcreator 2.10.15// METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20241227T161310UTC-0680pVAxVr@/ DTSTAMP:20241227T161310Z DESCRIPTION:CICS Northtown invites students and families to join our in-per son open house on Saturday\, October 21st at 10am!Take this opportunity to meet our Director\, school leaders\, and our diverse student body and lea rn about the curriculum and programs that CICS Northtown Academy offers!&n bsp\;Click on the QR code on the flier to RSVP for the event.We look forwa rd to meeting you!\n /news-events/news-and-even ts/open-houses/event/199-cics-northtown-academy-is-hosting-an-in-person-op en-house-event-on-saturday-october-21st DTSTART:20231021T150000Z DTEND:20231021T173000Z LOCATION:CICS Northtown Academy (3900 W. Peterson Ave. Chicago\, IL 60659) SUMMARY:CICS Northtown Academy is hosting an in-person open house event on Saturday\, October 21st! URL:/news-events/news-and-events/open-houses/eve nt/199-cics-northtown-academy-is-hosting-an-in-person-open-house-event-on- saturday-october-21st END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR